If we could sum up the insidious nature of Marxism in a dozen words or less, we just might get more people to understand the fraud being perpetrated on the American People and the entire western world.
In the novel, 1984 by George Orwell, a few key slogans or themes surrepetitiously repeat. They play an important role in illustrating the ideology that is foisted upon the key characters.
Here they are:
- War Is Peace
- Freedom Is Slavery
- Ignorance Is Strength
If we repeat that dogma enough, if we re-educate you, if we demand that you adopt and embrace these ideologies, will they somehow miraculously become TRUTH?
NO, never, not in a million years. But/And this is what Marxism would have you believe to be TRUE.
For the record, …
- War Is Not Peace
- Freedom Is Not Slavery
- Ignorance Is Not Strength
War is war, just as red is red. The same is true for each of these axioms. They are, each of them, the antithesis of each other. They are complete opposites.
Brainwashing you, propagandizing you, forcing you to believe they are, what they are not, is insidious. It is a complete and utter lie.
This is the absurdity of Marxism. Marxism is a lie. Communism is a lie. Socialism is a lie. Socialism is theft. Socialism seeks to mandate, force, redistribution of your work product, your sweat equity, your energetic produce, for the benefit of the whole. If you are a producer, this is state-sponsored theft.
If you are the benefactor, or the recipient of state-sponsored goods and services, you must examine from whom the state is deriving those goods and services.
What is true, is always true. Redefining a word, or redefining an idea, or reassigning, or relabeling an idea, does not make it true.
Marxism seeks to redefine truths and words, and mold them into what they are not, erstwhile expecting you, via repetition, to accept incrementally the redefined idea. It is insidious, deceptive, evil, pure evil.
It is mental manipulation.